About Us

At Bags to Bones, our passion for providing solutions for dogs with sensitive stomachs is personal. Like many pet parents, we have experienced the struggles of dealing with protein allergies in our own fur baby, Xigua, our beloved French Bulldog. Xigua, whose name means "watermelon" in Chinese, was diagnosed with a protein allergy and was suffering from bloody and very wet stools, clear signs of digestive issues. We couldn't help but joke that our little watermelon was having some, well, not so sweet digestive issues.

We tried many different diets, but nothing seemed to work. We visited the vet regularly and even consulted with special pet nutritionists, spending thousands of dollars on consultations and blood tests. Despite all of our efforts, we just couldn't seem to find a solution that worked for Xigua.

It was then that we decided to take matters into our own hands. After much research and experimentation, we discovered that there were several triggers for Xigua's condition, and we finally landed on making our own blend of food for Xigua consisting of proteins that are less reactive such as kangaroo and crocodile.

It was a long and expensive journey, but it was worth it to see the positive change in Xigua's health. Her stools improved significantly and he was no longer suffering from the symptoms of her protein allergy. This experience inspired us to start Bags to Bones and share our knowledge and experience with other pet parents who are dealing with similar struggles.

We are now dedicated to creating high-quality, all-natural products that are specially formulated to alleviate the symptoms of protein allergies for dogs, and provide an alternative for pet parent like us who are looking for a healthier and safer alternative for their furry friends. We believe that every pet deserves the best possible care, and we are committed to being a partner in their journey to wellness, and make sure our little watermelon is feeling sweet again.

In addition to our Dehydrated training treats, we also offer a unique collection of dog clothing that can provide relief from allergies and itchy skin. Our dog clothing range includes various colours and designs, making them stand out from traditional dog clothing. We also have a range of unique dog harnesses that are made of high-quality materials and designed to fit your dog perfectly. Our harnesses are adjustable, ensuring they are comfortable and secure while wearing the harness and can move freely without restrictions